How Are Ya?
Published on November 5, 2007 By Drzues In Community
Awhile back I read a post from one of the well known members of the community. In the post this member let us all know (with great difficulty no doubt) that he had been struggling with various issues in his life and came to the extremely difficult decision that he had no choices and did what he thought was his only alternative. I don't have to go into detail about this I'm sure, as we can all relate to what I'm talking about in one way or another. Thank the good lord that this member did not complete his mission and instead reached out to this community for help. I have not heard or read anything about this matter lately as I have had my own struggles to deal with. I just want to say that I hope all is well with you Whiplash, and that you always have people that care around you whether you know them or not. Good luck to you as you overcome this particular hill in your life and God bless you and your family.

Sincerely: Joshua (Drzues)
on Nov 05, 2007
PS: Totally off the subject, but I just bought the new Magic Desktop Suite and am Flabbergasted. Good luck topping this one!
on Nov 05, 2007
Joshua, thank you for your concern. I'm getting by but it hasn't been easy. I'm trying to take each day as it comes. I appreciate everyone's thoughts and prayers! It's a struggle but I hope to win the battle sooner or later.
on Nov 05, 2007
It's a struggle but I hope

here's a little more hope.
on Nov 05, 2007
Here is a lot MORE hope!
on Nov 05, 2007
It's a struggle but I hope to win the battle sooner or later.

You will win....more than half the battle is already won, in that you have hope, and with that hope you'll no doubt win the war and keep moving forwards.
on Nov 05, 2007
I'm trying to take each day as it comes

that's all anyone can really do.
Just remember, you may have broad shoulders but you can't bear the weight of the world all on your own. We're human and we will experience pressure, problems & struggles but because we're human, we're also allowed to ask each other for help - that's what we're here for. And when you're stronger (and you will be, count on it!) and when we're weaker and we need help, you'll know the place where we're at and you will be able to help us when we need it.

Remain hopeful and keep the faith, talk with friends and family(friends can also be family), visualize a better day, even write it down on a piece of paper, read it and will it to happen in your mind. Positive thinking will yield the positive results you're searching for and don't ever give up.   

on Nov 05, 2007
I wonder how you are making out all the time and day at a time is best.  
on Nov 06, 2007
Pas thanks for taking the time to respond, as the others I too always wonder how you are. With a little help from your friends here we hope those struggles are eased. And remember every passing minute is another chance to turn it all around.

It's My Secret
on Nov 06, 2007

Things will turn round, they always do.

Life is like a wheel: sometimes it grinds you down into the mud, other times it lifts you into the sun. You just have to wait for the wheel to turn.

You have a lot of friends here, and friends have a way of lifting you when you need it the most   

on Nov 06, 2007
S.W! Good to hear news of you.   
Hang in. It just gets different.   
on Nov 06, 2007
i wish you that all things will working out for you Snidely
on Nov 06, 2007
Ola mi amigo...como esta senor Whiplash?